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e-Bikes are electric powered bicycles. They can be ridden in the same manner and locations as a regular bike but with the benefit of no-sweat exercise and avoiding parking hassles. Remunerator's offering includes novating e-Bikes as they can cost around $3,000 - $10,000 and more.

How Does it Work?

Simply enquire for a quote through our online portal. Our consultants will contact you to discuss your new e-bike or e-scooter and provide you with a free, no-obligation quote.

You can enjoy all-inclusive maintenance on e-Bikes and e-Scooters, annual budgets for maintenance and repairs and tax benefits on the e-Bike or e-Scooter and operating costs.

Get Started

Benefits of Novating an e-Bike or e-Scooter

Important Note:

This benefit item is exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). In addition, you may not have to pay GST.

When paying for an e-Bike or e-Scooter using pre-tax salary, your taxable income will reduce, thus resulting in you paying less income tax.

Items that are salary packaged, such as e-Bikes cannot be claimed as an income deduction as well.

Remunerator will organise payment of your e-Bike novated lease to the supplier.